Personal Experiences What I Learned During COVID-19 Lockdown Posted on October 5, 2020October 5, 2020 By Angela Chang All of these lessons, I believe, have led me to become a better Muay Thai practioner. And they’ve bled into other areas of my life. Lockdown sucked, yes. But I can say, without a doubt, that I didn’t get nothing out of it. Read more
Personal Experiences I used to love spending long times in the heat and sun. Then, I started fighting. Posted on April 21, 2020April 20, 2020 By Angela Chang Every year when springtime came around, the only thing I had in mind was what within just a couple of months: summer. Growing up in New York, we had distinct seasons, but the winters (and transitions between fall to winter and winter to spring) seemed to last way too long. Winters fill… Read more
Personal Experiences My Experience Fighting at Muay Hardcore & What It Was Like to Wear Female Groin Protection (Fight Video Included!) Posted on January 1, 2020 By Angela Chang This post will be different than my prior posts in that this is an account of my own experience. I usually write about other fighters, but I had a lot of people ask what it was like to fight in MMA gloves, and also how wearing a female groin protector was… Read more
Fighting and Training Dealing with Fragile (Male) Ego: A Response to Sylvie’s Post, “KO’d My Clinch Partner in Training – And it Was a Good Thing” Posted on June 24, 2017August 28, 2019 By Angela Chang Before you read this post, please keep in mind that this is not referring to all men. When I saw the title of Sylvie’s post, I was a bit hesitant. I didn’t know what perspective this was being written from, and part of me was unsure of reading something that might be… Read more