Achieving Muay Thai Success with SMART Goals Posted on June 25, 2024June 27, 2024 By Angela Chang Muay Thai is dynamic – so much so that progress can’t be measured alone with physicality. One powerful tool fighters can use to elevate their game is setting SMART goals. This approach not only enhances your training but also provides a structured pathway to achieve your aspirations. Let’s dive into what SMART goals are, why they matter beyond the ring, and how they can be particularly transformative for Muay Thai practitioners.Pages: 1 2 Fighting and Training Muay Thai goal settingsmart goals
Fighting and Training Fighting Against the Odds: Being a Foreigner Fighting a Thai in Thailand Posted on April 5, 2018August 7, 2023Whether or not you’re a fan of watching organized sports, how many times have you found yourself cheering for the team that represented your city or state? And during the Olympics, do you cheer for the country you’re from or the other team? Despite many not knowing everything (and some… Read More
Muay Thai The Inner Workings of Thai Gym Contracts: How They Work and How they Currently Contribute to Gender Disparity and Inequalities in Muay Thai Posted on July 12, 2023August 7, 2023In the intricate world of Muay Thai, the workings of Thai gym contracts have long been shrouded in mystery. These contracts play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the sport, but they also contribute to the perpetuation of gender disparities and systemic inequalities within the community. In this article, we will delve deep into the complexities of Thai gym contracts, shedding light on their inner workings and the impact they have on fighters, particularly women. Read More
Muay Thai The Rise of Female Muay Thai: How the Last Few Years Have Shaped the Sport Like Never Before Posted on April 28, 2021April 28, 2021Female Muay Thai is on the up. There have been tremendous leaps and bounds in the sport in the last couple of years. All these progressive steps have led to more opportunities for women to fight, given them a brighter spotlight in the fight scene and (in some cases) better paydays. A few organizations and events are to thank for this newfound interest in women fighters, whether by proactive or reactive means. Read More