How To Prepare for Thailand’s High Volume Training Posted on March 24, 2023October 27, 2024 By Angela Chang Running, followed by three hours a session, two sessions a day, six days a week. Rinse and repeat.Photo by Helen TranThis training regimen is more than double, sometimes even quadruple, the amount of what people are used to. Due to the structure of Muay Thai classes and lifestyle outside of Thailand, a majority of people just can’t dedicate that much time to training when they’re in their home country. Most people consider themselves lucky if they can make it to training just a few times a week given their busy schedules. But because many want to make the trip to the motherland of Muay Thai for the experience and to up their game, it can be a shock to the system; to be immersed in a lifestyle that’s just focused around Muay Thai (and nothing else) is a nice change, but it is a drastic change.Please support the continuation of content on Muay Ying via PatreonPhoto by Helen TranGet in ShapeThe best way to make sure you waste less time acclimating to training and more time training and learning is to show up to Thailand in decent shape. If you show up to Thailand completely out of shape, you would not only struggle with the training, but the breathing alone would be difficult with the heat and humidity.If you can’t dedicate more hours to training than you already are before heading over, do other things to up your cardio and endurance – working on these two will be the most helpful when it comes to high-volume training. Running, swimming, biking, and circuit training are just a few examples of how you can effectively do just that. Remember that every little bit will help you adjust once you get to Thailand.Photo by Helen TranClean Up Your DietA big part of how you feel is an effect of what you put into your body. Therefore, binge drinking and eating pizza for two weeks leading up to your training trip in Thailand is not the best idea. Not only is it unhealthy, but you will feel way more worse than need be. Cleaning up your diet will help you feel better and improve your athletic performance. You don’t have to do it all at once nor do you have to be super strict about eating clean. Just do something so it can help you with your breathing, building strength, and recovery.Photo by Helen TranSupplementsSome supplements are difficult to find in Thailand or are very expensive (especially sports supplements like protein powder) due to being imported. If there are products you use regularly that you are unsure if you can purchase during your trip, pack them in your suitcase. The one thing you won’t need to pack are electrolytes – these are sold in packets for cheap (7 baht, to be exact, or $0.23 USD) at every pharmacy, convenience store, and supermarket. It’s recommended you take a couple a day to help stay hydrated. Without electrolytes, you may feel lethargic and find it difficult to train due to being depleted of important salts lost through sweating. You will sweat a lot during your training sessions.Photo by Helen TranRecoveryBetween the training sessions, try to rest. If it’s your first time in Thailand, you may be very excited and want to do some sightseeing before training again, but if you are serious about training, save the touristy stuff for the weekend. Thai fighters take naps between the sessions and you should too. Rest is the only way your body recovers and repairs itself.Getting a massage will help release knots and alleviate any soreness and tightness you might have. Thai massages are cheap (usually only around 200 baht, or $6.45 USD, an hour), relaxing, and, when done right, help with body maintenance and recovery.If you’re still finding it difficult to adjust to the weather and training, it’s not the end of the world. Take the next session off, rest, and get back into the next one. Nobody will fault you for it, especially the first few days of your trip. Don’t forget that resting is part of training. There’s no need to push yourself when you already feel like you can’t give it any more than you already have – you can get sick or injured doing this.By changing a few things in your routine to be proactive prior to your trip to Thailand, you can make sure your adjustment to the brutal training will go as smoothly as it can. For other tips for your trip to Thailand, check out our Guide to Planning & Training in Thailand – Part 2: Preparing for ThailandBecome a Patron!If you want an in-depth guide to training in Thailand, I’ve got just the thing. Fighting and Training Muay Thai Thailand high volumethailandtraining in thailand
Fighting and Training Embracing Failure to Learn Faster – Applying Huberman Lab’s findings to our own Muay Thai Journey Posted on March 16, 2023March 21, 2023I listened to recently called “Using Failures, Movement & Balance to Learn Faster.” The insights from the podcast are based on scientific research, and here is how I, a professional Muay Thai fighter, believe they can be applied to Muay Thai training to help you develop your skills faster. Read More
Muay Thai Do You HAVE to Move to Thailand to Succeed as a High-Level Muay Thai Fighter? Posted on May 28, 2023August 7, 2023Thailand is where Muay Thai originated, and it’s where some of the best fighters in the world train and compete. With many non-Thai fighters choosing to stay long-term in Thailand, many aspiring fighters wonder if they also need to move there in order to become a high-level fighter. Read More
Fighting and Training 5 Ways Muay Thai Fighters Can Leverage Social Media to Get More Attention Posted on August 27, 2023August 7, 2023In this article, we’ll explore five effective ways Muay Thai fighters can leverage social media platforms to enhance their presence and attract a wider audience. In a world where attention is the currency, Muay Thai fighters can greatly benefit from a strong presence on social media platforms. By effectively utilizing these platforms, fighters can connect with fans, showcase their skills, and even attract potential sponsors and opportunities. Read More